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Strategy creation should always be underpinned by insight. However many businesses find it difficult to:

- Generate value from their data

- Distil objective, balanced insight from multiple lenses

- Cut through complexity to enable decision making

Solving these issues can lead to more informed strategies, and provide clarity to the organisation on the "Why"

Below are some of the ways we can help you get better insight and better outcomes:

Competitor analysis

Ever wondered what your competitors will be doing next? Chances are you already have the information and expertise to tell you, and if you don't, there are often readily available insights to fill the gaps. However the real value can be gained in understanding the "So what". We break down which competing forces are going to affect your business, then work with you to understand what this means for your potential future direction.  

Market segmentation

Understanding market size and opportunity is one thing. Evaluating where your strengths and weaknesses play off against your competition in each segment is another. Adopting a customer-centric approach to market segmentation will help you understand where the best sources of growth will come from.

Data synthesis and integration

Internal/external. Qualitative/quantitative. Data can be categorised and analysed through infinite permutations. To avoid analysis paralysis, clearly define your use cases, and build repeatable means to synthesise your data on an ongoing basis. Spend less time manually crunching the numbers and more time on building recommendations.


Data synthesis is becoming an increasingly important task for any organisation that needs to work with more data than just their own ledger. It is vital to pick the right data (based on what you want to discover) and understand how combining and contrasting data sets will provide better visibility. Have you ever had a question about your business that traditional analysis couldn't answer? Data synthesis might be able to provide it for you.

Revenue/Margin Management

Effective Revenue/Margin Management techniques should deliver a continual stream of insight that help you build strategies, set targets, and course correct. Revenue/Margin Management is also a vital function in building the bridge between long-term strategies and annual planning, and should always play a pivotal role in maximising the benefits from enabling commercial levers such as Pricing, brand, and distribution.

Customer segmentation

Regardless of who you sell to, segmenting your customers in a meaningful way is a vital part of building a customer-centric strategy. Identifying segments and their demand characteristics will help you to target areas of opportunity as well as organise your sales and marketing efforts.

Financial modelling

Love them or hate them, the financials can make or break a business case. Building flexible, repeatable models will not only save your team some time, but also provide greater familiarity and certainty for decision makers.

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